Goals are those elusive things that many of us set but usually end up chasing them around until we finally give up. We always end up attributing it to one of our limiting beliefs: I don't have enough time/money/support, etc. I'm too young/old/underprivileged, etc. One of the reasons for this slight is because most people aren’t resolute about goal-setting. Whether it’s your New Year's resolution or another goal you’re setting, here are my 4 rules for effective goal-setting:
1. Make them clear – Your goals must be absolutely crystal clear in order to get the results you want. An ineffective goal is to “lose weight.” In order to achieve that goal, you only need to lose 1 pound. Yes, you will succeed at your goal, but you will not get the results you were hoping for. Instead, be very clear about what you want. “I will lose 10 pounds.” Now, you have a specific target to hit. Be sure to use absolute verbiage, not hopeful. (Use “will” or “am going to” instead of “want to” or “try to.”)
2. Make them concise – Be able to write your goal in one short sentence. If your goal is to feed the hungry, don’t write a paragraph about all the details you envision in needing to reach that goal. The task will seem daunting and you will not follow through because of that. Make it clear and concise. “I am going feed 100 needy people on Thanksgiving.”
3. Set a deadline – Whatever your goal is, give yourself a due date to help hold yourself accountable. Make it realistic, but not overwhelming. If you make it too far out, you’ll lose focus. If you make it too quick, you will become intimidated. Make your deadlines public. Put it on your calendar. Tell your friends. Post it on your refrigerator.
4. Measure them – Track your progress and do it often. Always know where you are on your roadmap. Remember that we need to know where we are in order to help us know how to get to where we’re going. If you currently track once a month, now do it once a week. If you currently do it once a week, now do it every day or three times a week.
And for the addendum: Just because you didn’t hit your goal, doesn’t mean you failed. You are an absolute success if you move towards your goal, even a little.
Live with love, live with passion.