According to Tech Target, a CEO is “A company’s highest ranking official, responsible for implementing plans, policies, and procedures, is responsible for financial strength, and is ultimately responsible for a company’s successes and failures.” Imagine for a moment that you were the CEO of a company. You would probably nurture and protect that company and do everything you needed to do in order to see your company grow. You would spend extra time and effort to ensure it's growth and productivity. Because, after all, if your company is successful, you get to benefit.
What if you discovered that YOU are the company and that you were the CEO of YOU? You alone are responsible. All of your successes and failures are on you and you alone are in charge of the company's success and failure. The problem is that we don’t act like our own CEO.
Imagine being the owner of a company and you walk in and see your CEO sitting on a couch watching TV or browsing the internet for who-knows-what. What if you caught your CEO talking like you talk to others or treating employees the way you treat people who frustrate you. Chances are good that your CEO wouldn’t have a job for very long.
Begin to act like you are the CEO. Run your days the same as you would as if you owned the place and your success and failures are up to you. Nurture and love your amazing self the same way you nurture your amazing business. Do what it takes to grow yourself just as you would your company. At the end of the day, it’s OK to sit back and look at your “company” and be proud of what you’ve done with it.
Live with love, live with passion.